I chatted on the phone with a friend in Spain yesterday and suggested that we swap Prime Ministers. “Pero nadie quiere el tuyo,” she replied. Which is Spanish for “But ...
Any fond hopes that Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson might have had that he could draw a line under the Dominic Cummings affair have been well and truly dashed. Even ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
Craig Dalzell continues his series on the sectoral impact of the Covid pandemic by looking at retail and the High Street. I MISS RESTAURANTS. Of all the changes that have ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
The only good thing about the British Government’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic is that at least we don’t have Donald Trump in charge. That’s how low the bar has ...
Common Weal Versus the Virus: The virus is exposing the reality of the weaknesses in our economy, society and democracy. Over the last six years Common Weal has been showing ...
Ten lochs across Scotland have been polluted by a toxic pesticide used by fish farms to control fungus, parasites and disease. Figures released under freedom of information law reveal that ...
This British Government is easily the worst for 100 years. It’s ideologically driven, determined to ram through the hardest possible Brexit despite the current crisis, yet at the same time ...
ON MONDAY, with bleakly appropriate timing, Mental Health Awareness Week began in the UK. This year’s efforts by the Mental Health Foundation and its collaborators are as laudable as ever, ...