Apr 21, 2020As lockdown continues, despite the growing murmurings from some quarters that it should end, the UK Parliament is set to amend its arcane procedures to allow remote working.We ...
Four in five Scottish engineering firms have warned they will cut jobs due to the economic slowdown. The warning comes as part of industry lobbying into speading up the end ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
The UK has joined the US, Australia and Canada in condemning the Chinese state for imposing a new security law in Hong Kong during the pandemic. The special administrative area ...
May 5, 2020This week's look at politics from a Scottish perspective has even more of a Scot's accent than usual as we review Alistair Heather's braw documentary on BBC Scotland,The ...
US President Donald Trump has told Minneapolis protestors against the police killing of George Floyd that he will send in the National Guard and “when the looting starts, the shooting ...
In the final part of his series on the impact of the Covid pandemic on the economy, Craig Dalzell asks the fundamental question that should underpin all efforts to rebuild. ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat ...
Yesterday was a depressing day, albeit one of much-needed clarity: two leading members of SAGE finally laid to rest any pretence that the UK government are "following the science". Professor ...