I raised concerns on here about the governments putting elderly people into care homes to convalesce straight from the hospital, without testing them for covid19. It was clear even back ...
REVIVE, the coalition for Scottish grouse moor reform, this week published its manifesto a year ahead of the next Scottish parliamentary elections, advocating a number of wide-ranging proposals on land ...
It’s the new normal. This is the UK, where the British Government says something and it turns out to be a lie. On Friday the Health Minister Matt Spineless Hancock ...
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has banned its military and civilian staff from speaking publicly about Trident nuclear weapons in Scotland. All members of the armed forces and MoD civil ...
First of all, I have an article in The National with more analysis of yesterday's sensational YouGov poll, which showed the SNP on an almost unbelievable 54% of the Holyrood constituency ...
The latest video from Phantom Power. Estonia is proof of what happens when a nation takes control of its destiny and embraces the future. Just over 30 years ago Estonia ...
Is Dani Garavelli a Yes supporter? I asked that question on Twitter because I genuinely don't know the answer. If she isn't, the billing of her column today as being ...