Dr Craig Dalzell continues his analysis of the OBR’s sectoral impact of the pandemic by looking at how transport has been affected by the lockdown. I’M GOING TO START this ...
Piers Morgan, for all his faults (and they are legion), has been excellent throughout this crisis, but I'm not going to follow him down the road of suggesting that Neil ...
Human rights campaigners in Scotland have welcomed a ruling by the UK’s Supreme Court that council pension funds can divest from firms operating in Palestinian territories occupied by Israel. In ...
As Britain’s Covid-19 death toll becomes the highest in Europe, we should be clear that we are not all suffering equally. Analysis of ONS data in England and Wales of ...
“THE WEEKEND before the lockdown was chaos. The shop was stripped bare. And I mean all the fresh produce was gone by like 8am.”Steve (not his real name) is a ...
This site used to have a running joke about the number of times the Scottish media screamed “SNP CIVIL WAR!” whenever any two people in the party – one of ...
There’s been another Murdo. Whenever Murdo Fraser ventures onto social media you know that the result is going to be what you’d get if a car crash was expressed in ...
In the latest installment of his series of essays on Scottish independence in the age of Coronavirus, Jonathon Shafi argues that confronting the major challenges of the 21st century, from ...
In news you may have missed, what with the revelation that the Conservatives have been responsible for leading the UK to the top of the European coronavirus death league, the ...