It was just a few short days ago that I blogged about British nationalists’ unending search for victimhood status. It was only on the 17th of this month that I ...
In the first part of a new series on the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, Dr Craig Dalzell warns that the solutions needed to get us out of the ...
Debates behind the scenes in UK and Scottish ruling circles are beginning to break into the open The collapse of US oil prices to the point where producers were forced ...
David Mackenzie, assistant secretary of Scottish CND and a member of the Nukewatch network, argues that the ongoing pandemic has highlighted Scotland’s lack of preparation for a civil emergency In ...
Covid-19 patients discharged from hospital to care homes will be tested as a matter of routine after all. Health Secretary Jeanne Freeman made the announcement yesterday, just 24 hours after ...
@jessphillips I have 200,000 medical Gowns 25g & 35g. Protective suits, ICU suits googles face shields. gloves. masks etc. I'm being ignored by UK & Welsh Gov. NHS England & ...
In an interview for Borders Television, in special episode of See It’s Me Street brought to you by the letters F and U, the Governor General of the North British ...
In the latest installment of his series of essays on Scottish independence in the age of Coronavirus, Jonathon Shafi argues that the indy movements needs a platform for transformation that ...
Hundreds of asylum seekers claim their lives are being put at risk after they were moved out of their flats and into Glasgow hotels where they are unable to isolate ...
A flurry of forecasts of economic doom arrived yesterday, though there’s good reason to think they were over-optimistic in their doom-mongering. The IMF have predicted a 3 per cent slump ...