It's an outside broadcast this week as Lesley takes advantage of the sunny weather to join me from the back step of her cottage. Saturday saw the launch of the ...
An animal welfare charity has launched a legal challenge to stop the Scottish Government from allowing young calves to be exported all the way from Scotland to Spain. Compassion in ...
I dislike Boris Johnson intensely. I think he’s a thoroughly contemptible human being. He’s a liar, a charlatan, a fraud, and a smirking entitled buffoon who is nowhere near as ...
Like everyone, I was profoundly shocked to hear that the Prime Minister has been moved into intensive care, and I truly, desperately hope he pulls through this. But I also ...
Calls are growing for people with drug addictions to get urgent access to life-saving treatment and prescriptions to help them self-isolate, keeping themselves – and others – safe during the ...
Before the UK went into lockdown, I felt like certain journalists and celebrities were missing the point somewhat by lambasting irresponsible individuals for ignoring social distancing advice. However much self-righteous ...
The UK government and arms firms based in Scotland have been condemned over deals with Egypt after a new report revealed the regime tortures children by waterboarding and electrocution. Children ...
The names of 57 sites across Scotland guilty of breaking environmental rules have been kept secret at the behest of the UK government to protect “national security”. The Ferret can ...
Last night there was a party political broadcast on behalf of Boris Johnson presented by Elizabeth Windsor. I didn’t watch it. There was no need, as the speech was already ...
Rick Walthew -thoughtful rant Rick Walthew lets off a bit of steam. It is often good to let it out and move on with what matters in your daily life. ...