A charity in Glasgow that counsels torture survivors is among 60 organisations who have written to the UK government calling for the asylum support allowance to be increased from £35 ...
Many home truths have come home to roost during this crisis. There’s the myth that the British government and the British state is unique and exceptional. There’s the myth that ...
You can tell that the lockdown is getting to some people. Maybe it’s a displacement activity from the fear of actual death that causes some folk to fear all sorts ...
While we’re all stuck at home, it’s a good time to think about how things need to change once we get through this emergency and come out on the other ...
On Friday it was announced that the number of people who died in the UK after being diagnosed with the coronavirus had risen to 980, a number which is greater ...
Scots vulnerable to the coronavirus are struggling to access vital home delivery services because the Scottish Government has failed to share data with retailers. Some 200,000 people in Scotland deemed ...
Pete says:11 April, 2020 at 12:20 pmSensible DaveYour analysis is correct.I’ve been espousing that for some time and, as you would imagine, been branded a nazi, murderer, you name it.Experts ...
Almost 1000 deaths again today, and the lead BBC headline is still "Boris needs a rest, says his dad".— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) April 10, 2020Nearly a thousand dead in 24 ...
More than 5,000 business sites across Scotland are going to escape judgement on their environmental breaches in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic. Environmental rules governing radioactive waste, fish farming, ...
Yeah, we know we said we weren’t going to say anything else about the COVID-19 crisis, but sometimes there’s just too much stupid going around to stay silent. A disturbing ...