An investment firm which funnels hundreds of millions of pounds into the fossil fuel industry has been attacked for “hypocrisy” after it urged the Scottish Government to cut carbon ...
We recorded this episode which, quite naturally, focuses on the impact of Covid 19 using Skype, for sound reasons that Lesley outlines . So please bear with us as it ...
They replied that, in order to determine whether the use of the word “woman” was inaccurate, they would need to make findings in relation to the sex and gender identity ...
We have a result. Following the plea on this blog yesterday for the needs of dogs who live in flats to be taken into account, this morning the Scottish Government ...
The long awaited trial of Alex Salmond starts this week in Edinburgh. He stands trial on serious charges of sexual assault and attempted rape, allegations which he strongly denies. Like ...
If you turned on your telly this Tuesday morning to watch ITV’s breakfast show, you’d have been given a reminder of why you’d be much better off staying in your ...
Right royal lunatics preening at Cheltenham By Russell Bruce The news that Prince Charles has isolated to his oversized ‘but and ben’ has caused a storm of outrage. By tradition, ...
The nuclear power station at Hunterston in North Ayrshire has breached radiation safety rules and suffered five other problems with its safety systems. The latest report from the UK ...
Street homeless people must be urgently accommodated in hotels in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to those working to support them. Charities claimed that forcing homeless people to ...
Surprised to hear UK Deputy CMO say yesterday that WHO advice on testing is only for poor countries & UK has strong enough health service to treat our way through ...