Feisty Productions : 2020 Vision
After the major announcements last night by the Scottish and UK governments extending the emergency measures to combat the spread of Covid 19 there was only one way to begin ...
After the major announcements last night by the Scottish and UK governments extending the emergency measures to combat the spread of Covid 19 there was only one way to begin ...
Airbnb hosts across Scotland are facing police and council action for welcoming guests despite a government ban aimed at slowing the spread of Covid-19. The Ferret asked dozens of hosts ...
A black metal music festival whose line-up includes bands accused of promoting neo-Nazism is now due to take place near Edinburgh after a Glasgow venue cancelled its booking. The Ferret ...
There’s always a lot of talk online amongst independence supporters about the nefarious activities of the British state and the intelligence services. For the most part, these stories are nothing ...
#BorisTheButcher is trending on social media. All politians are vain, you have to have a bit of an ego to want to subject yourself to the kind of scrutiny that ...
Welcome to day one of the Great Scottish Lockdown. You already know how this is going to go don’t you. You’ll have got up today resolving that you’re going to ...
This week saw polls showing almost unprecedented support for incumbent governments across the globe. Lesley tries to explain this phenomenon and speculates on what the lasting effects will be on ...
The coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19, is having a significant impact on people’s lives across the globe. It has also led to an outbreak of false information being shared across social ...
Safety Match by Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre This video from France 24 shows how careful use of social distancing can break the chain reaction. The core strategy is to ...
When the SNP’s Mike Russell announced recently that he was stepping down from Holyrood as he’s approaching retirement age, he remarked that Scotland is closer now to independence than it ...