Remember when the only social isolation we needed to worry about was having a crappy blue passport that doesn’t allow you to live or work in other European countries? Ah ...
Many Scottish health boards have struggled to recruit as many consultant anaesthetists as they need, making it harder to keep coronavirus patients alive. Recently-released Scottish Government figures show that, as ...
Well it’s been confirmed. The UK government’s policy of herd immunity originated with Dominic Cummings, the Rasputin of the Conservative Party. According to the Sunday Time’s political editor Tim Shipman, ...
Prince Charles has tested positive for the coronavirus. It’s possibly the closest he’s got to the crown. We were told by a Nicolas Witchell who was even more gushingly sychophantic ...
I've just had another exchange with Iain Macwhirter, who seems extremely muddled about the distinction between a 'herd immunity' strategy and a 'suppression' strategy - he thinks that herd immunity ...
It will come as little surprise to any observer of the Scottish media for the last decade that the trial of Alex Salmond is to continue indefinitely after the actual ...
I received this email earlier..."Hi James,Imagine being told you are an essential worker when you are blind, forced to travel in taxis and/or on trains, then placed in a building ...
You probably saw this a few days ago, but I suspect now is an important moment to reinforce the point: a YouGov poll was conducted on Thursday to test support ...
Hundreds of new police recruits who started training this week at the Scottish Police College in Tulliallan were not given medical checks or forced to social distance, we can reveal. ...