It’s the first dugcast of the New Year, and this week I am joined by The National’s Stewart Ward. In this episode we discuss World War 3, Britsplaining in the ...
It was suggested to me earlier today that the time may now be right for Scot Goes Pop to crowdfund its first opinion poll, mainly because it's really, really odd ...
Almost eight years ago the then Tory MP Zac Goldsmith tweeted about Nick Clegg’s proposals to reform the House of Lords saying, “Seedy lists of party apparatchiks appointed by power ...
You might have seen the other day that a couple of SNP MPs tweeted a piece by the constitutional law experts Chris McCorkindale and Aileen McHarg, setting out their thoughts ...
Nicola Sturgeon, gave a keynote speech in Oslo on Wednesday last week at the annual conference of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise where she issued a strong call for Scottish-Norwegian ...
There’s been a bit of discussion recently about how to circumvent the refusal of the UK government to concede to another independence referendum. Yesterday in the Herald it was reported ...
He’s a busy man and talented man is Callum Baird. When he’s not editing The National, editing the Glasgow Evening Times, and being interrupted by me during the Wee Ginger ...
Newly-released government documents show that in 1995 the UK Conservative government threatened to cut back naval co-operation with Nelson Mandela’s South Africa unless it bought Scottish warships. Foreign Secretary ...
I live here and I loathe that man beyond all words. He’s the worst of all worlds: a self serving right wing climate change denying politician and a fundamentalist evangelical ...