Over the last few days, for want of anything more interesting happening in Scottish politics, we’ve been reviewing some of the entertainingly fluid criteria by which Unionist politicians used to ...
The, not so, dynamic duo make our return after the Christmas and Hogmanay break, having just about survived our bouts of lurgy. The recriminations and "period of reflection" in both ...
The candidates for the Labour leadership and the Scottish Conservative branch office manager are lining up to say how much they oppose Scottish independence. Today it’s the turn of Labour ...
Following on from telling us why the SNP winning 81% of Scotland’s Westminster seats in the General Election doesn’t count as a mandate for another independence referendum, British nationalists have ...
The Conservative government’s main policy priorities were announced in the Queen’s Speech as MPs returned to work after the election. One controversial policy which was confirmed was the government’s ...
Boris Johnson has been fnaugh fnaughing his way through Prime Minister’s Questions and refusing to acknowledge that the SNP was given a mandate by the Scottish electorate for another independence ...
A UK government-backed programme running for-profit schools in Africa and India is being investigated by an international watchdog after concerns were raised over human rights and poor working conditions. ...
Many of us in Scotland have spent our lives avoiding the British royal family. The Windsors provoke in us a mixture of intense boredom and deep anger, a peculiar combination ...
Anyone who’s followed the UK political media over the last decade or so with specific reference to Scotland will know that in a very crowded field, the standout poster boy ...
According to Boris Johnson and assorted British nationalists, the United Kingdom is the most successful union in the world. That’s a claim which begs many questions. Questions like, how are ...