Christmas is approaching, the season of goodwill and rampant commercialism. Don’t say that this blog doesn’t participate to the full. So here’s a blatant plug for stuff that you can ...
Wait, Scotland is a what now, Conservative Home? Beyond the embarrassing clanger, though, the article is an interesting analysis of the key marginal seats in Scotland next week, which is ...
In this week’s edition of the dugcast, The National’s Stewart Ward and I discuss this week’s visit to the UK by Donald Trump, Andrew Neil’s pointed commentary on Boris Johnson’s ...
Here we go again, another exercise in “We’re talking down to you, Scotland” from the BBC election debate. Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson are going head to head, at least ...
"The BBC Prime Ministerial Debate"Oh go away you chancers. This is not a presidential system. It's just a cover story to justify excluding most of the major party leaders.— James ...
John Major Image generated from Channel 4 interview It is not often a former prime minister speaks out against his own party and strongly suggests you think long and hard ...
We hate to harp on, but it seems kinda important. Maybe they just bought a Lib Dem bus by accident and only had time to repaint the photo or something. This site still ...
You may have seen that there are polling numbers from YouGov that purport to show a sudden and statistically significant drop in support for independence - down from 49% to ...