It really is quite the remarkable feat of timing that concerted mass reporting by SNP activists managed to get the Wings Twitter account (and several others) closed down this week ...
A proposal to curb the killing of birds of prey by licensing grouse shooting in Scotland has been blocked by the landowning lobby, according to a report for the Scottish ...
Today, Thursday, the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon called upon the British Government to devolve the powers to hold a legally watertight independence referendum to the Scottish Parliament. There has been, ...
Yesterday we posted an article noting that hardline trans-rights extremists, among whose number we must regretfully count the Scottish Government, were engaged in a determined and alarmingly successful attempt to abolish ...
By Equality Nation The First Minister in a speech at Bute House outlined the democratic case for Scotland’s right to choose its own future, ahead of the publication of a ...
The Scottish Tory MP Andrew Bowie made a preposterous intervention in the Commons yesterday. He tried to reframe the SNP's landslide victory in the general election as some kind of ...
A few weeks ago when I was on holiday and daydreaming, I realised a general election probably wasn't far off, and I had the bright idea (ahem) that I might ...
The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have accepted £658,000 to help fight the general election from companies with links to offshore tax havens, according to an analysis of Electoral Commission records. ...
On the Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, Lying Liar Johnson uttered what was quite possibly one of the worst lies that the lying liar has ever lied about in his ...