This was yet another in the long list of "the most important days yet" in the Brexit saga. Both Lesley and I spent the vast majority of the day following ...
With the general election less than a month away, Brexit is inevitably a central part of the campaign. Each main party in Scotland has a slightly different policy for the ...
Well chums a week was definitely a long time in politics because after yesterday's votes at Westminster we're now heading for a general election on December the 12th. We try ...
The gap between what women and men are paid widened in favour of men at over 170 organisations in Scotland last year, including prominent companies such as Ineos, Babcock, Farmfoods ...
A European Arrest Warrant for Clara Ponsati,on charges of sedition, was issued by Spain just before we recorded today's podcast.We give our initial reactions to the shocking news. Lesley was ...
We’ve just taken our first week off in eight years, and no sooner are we back than the whole world’s turned on its head. Because this is Brian Wilson in today’s Scotsman. ...
The Liberal Democrats have become noticeably less frosty today about the SNP joining them in challenging ITV's rigged leaders' debate in court. It's unlikely that they're being friendlier out of ...
Last night BBC 2’s Newsnight programme concluded its four part look at how Brexit and this election is affecting the unitary state which it pleases opponents of independence to call ...
A new study reported at the weekend has found disturbing levels of sectarian beliefs among pupils at Scotland’s 357 Catholic schools. But there was an interesting twist – sectarianism was higher ...