Yesterday we had the pointless spectacle of a Conservative election manifesto dressed up as a state opening of parliament. None of the measures which the Queen announced were going to ...
Another day, another exercise in Scotland being patronised by columnists in the Guardian. This time it’s Zoe Williams’ turn, opining that Nicola Sturgeon’s plan for a referendum has a fundamental ...
So just to briefly tie up a loose end from the blogpost on Sunday, it turns out that Britain Elects were wrong (gasp!) and in fact Panelbase did not alter ...
Yesterday we finally got to hear the infallible top-secret plan for independence. Oh. Oh well, that’s okay then. That should sort it all right out. Category comment, scottish politics, uk ...
The Scottish Government’s civil service chief, Leslie Evans, has flown to and from London four times more often than going by train while telling her 6,000 officials to “avoid domestic ...
This blog has a long standing policy of not attacking or criticising other pro-independence groups, blogs, or organisations. I’m not in the business of doing the anti-independence media’s job for ...
Oscar Salinas has little doubt. “The conflict has resulted in a lot of human suffering but also a lot of environmental suffering. If the natural environment is harmed and dies, ...
Here's what was slightly odd about the big showdown in the SNP's internal elections yesterday: it was the behaviour of Fiona Robertson on social media that convinced many people that ...