If you wanted to describe the multicoloured shambles that passes for British governance these days, you’ll find that you’ve run out of the normal spectrum of colours. We’re now deep ...
So our old friend "TSE", Deputy Editor of Stormfront Lite and the man who famously once made up a story about a family tragedy to avoid settling a private bet, ...
Victory for Joanna Cherry and cross-party legal challenge By Russell Bruce Breaking – in more ways than one. Is this the breaking of Johnson as PM? In a stunning victory ...
In normal times we’d at least find today’s landmark defeat of the UK government in a Scottish court amusing. But these are not normal times, and at the present moment our ...
The mess got messier very quickly. Yesterday the British Government was mired in a political mess, today it’s mired in a legal mess as well. Today all three judges in ...
We’d almost forgotten the delirious pleasure of having something to write about that isn’t sodding Brexit, so thank heavens for this email today: It’s the outcome of a case that ...
I'm rather bemused to see a certain pro-independence website claim today that SNP politicians should never have taken legal action to challenge prorogation, because that supposedly harms the cause of ...
In a blatant attempt to use bad news to hide more bad news, on the evening that the British Government was reeling from three Scottish judges having called the Prime ...