Wee Ginger Dugcast – 6 September 2019
In this week’s edition of the dugcast, The National’s editor Callum Baird and I discuss the terrible week that’s been had by the Prime Minister, and our complete lack of ...
In this week’s edition of the dugcast, The National’s editor Callum Baird and I discuss the terrible week that’s been had by the Prime Minister, and our complete lack of ...
Well, budding politician Stuart Campbell has now declared all-out war on this blog on social media - he's just launched a barrage of his trademark invective and abuse, including calling ...
Campaigning for independence is a roller coaster ride. Just at the moment when the British state is in meltdown, when the institutions of British democracy have never been weaker or ...
It's very early days with this, because I'm not sure if this is just a subset of wider GB polling, and therefore I don't know if the sample size is ...
So are the SNP doing the right thing by not facilitating a general election on the earliest possible date? I think some of the criticisms of the decision are a ...
ALANM says:7 September, 2019 at 7:34 am“The SNP is playing a very dangerous game and they’re doing it deliberately…” I should hope so. Strategic politics is a risk, sometimes a ...
There’s a couple of points I’d like to talk more about, following on from last night’s blog piece Startled Fawns. In that piece, limitations of space meant that I didn’t ...
We’ve talked about this subject before, but a couple of findings in a new poll today by Survation really caught our eye. And that tells us something quite profound about ...
We’re well through the mirror now. Today the press are discussing the chances of a British Prime Minister refusing to obey the law and having to serve jail time as ...
At least 20 politicians, political advisers and civil servants from across the spectrum in Scotland have left to work as professional lobbyists trying to influence their former colleagues, prompting criticisms ...