I wasn’t able to blog yesterday, as I was off in Dunfermline doing an event about Scottish languages as part of the Outwith Festival. But nothing much happened in Parliament ...
I noticed earlier this afternoon that Stuart Campbell has removed Scot Goes Pop from the links list on Wings. It doesn't take a genius to work out that this is ...
It’s been yet another craaaaaazeeee day in the House of Commons, which is the new baseline for normality in British politics. We had Prime Minister’s Questions, the first for Prime ...
By Russell Bruce The international media conference M100 Sanssouci Colloquium honours Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon for her opposition to Brexit and commitment to European Union cohesion with the M100 ...
The City of Edinburgh Council has admitted it has not made money from film companies for street closures despite the disruption they cause, The Ferret can reveal. The admission came ...
The relief on Murdo Fraser’s face was palpable when he stood up in the chamber of Holyrood to give his response to Nicola Sturgeon’s speech about the Scottish Government’s plans ...
This afternoon there were yet more steps in the clownshoes of British politics. Lyin’ Bastert Johnson gave a speech in front of massed ranks of polis. It was like Police ...
As you'll have seen in the previous post, I had to make a deletion (with considerable regret) from this blog's link list yesterday, and I noticed while I was doing ...
Sitrep: we’ve given up any hope of turning on the television and seeing a politician – any politician – telling the truth.Boris Johnson is lying about negotiating a new deal ...