It’s going well isn’t it? So much for the puffery that claimed that Ruth Davidson was bidding to become the next First Minister. The erstwhile leader of the Ruth Davidson’s ...
Boris Johnson has crossed the Rubicon today by announcing the suspension of Parliament at this crucial time, no matter how many days the suspension lasts. The United Kingdom has found ...
Today, a bunch of politicians who were to all intents and purposes attempting to arrange a coup have been complaining that the government has beaten them to it by organising ...
A Prime Minister who wasn’t elected, ramming through a policy that we voted against. Now every remain voter in the UK knows what it feels like to be Scottish. Remember ...
Scottish police have been accused of “doing nothing” about an allegation of sexual abuse against a Rangers football scout based in Edinburgh’s Canongate. In July 1992 former Rangers youth player, ...
There was some discussion on the previous thread about whether today's announcement that parliament will soon be prorogued can appropriately be described as a "suspension of democracy", given that brief ...
There’s a strong smell of panic in the Brit-Scot establishment just now. Things have got so bad for opponents of independence and their desperate attempts to forestall an independence referendum ...
We see Gordon Brown is celebrating his 500th article promising “federalism” in the Scottish media today. Which is nice. We always enjoy hearing about the stuff Labour pretends it’s going ...
After an opening salvo on the perils and dubious pleasures of digital technology and assembling hose systems (trust me it's more interesting than it sounds) we move on to discuss ...