There’s quite an interesting piece in today’s Sunday National detailing the extremely unequal representation of various parties on the BBC’s network politics shows in the last month, in which readers will ...
We’ve just received the verdict in the hearing over costs in our court case against Kezia Dugdale, and it’s an incomprehensible one. The sheriff has awarded costs in full to ...
It’s a strange and contradictory life being an opponent of Scottish independence. You have to tell people in Scotland that upon independence we’d have to reapply to join the EU ...
The Women’s World Cup in France was an unprecedented success in terms of media coverage and popular interest but Lesley questions just what the legacy, if any, will be for ...
The constant refrain from opponents of independence is – How can Scotland become independent when you don’t even know what money you’re going to use? Eh? Eh? There is an ...
The Scottish Government is failing to meet targets to boost the number of affordable homes for rural and island communities, according to documents obtained by The Ferret. Ministers promised three ...
Well, what can I say, you're all stars, every single one of you. In spite of the fact that the £8500 target was slightly higher than in recent years, we ...
This story is best viewed on a larger screen More than 300,000 people are unable to return to their homes in Mosul two years after the end of a military ...
How many times have you heard someone say that they’re not going to vote for independence because they “hate that SNP”. Often Thatessempee is spat out as though it was ...
Things were different in 2009. Of course, they meant if they LOST the first one. But readers might feel that a certain degree of irony has perhaps manifested itself since ...