I went for a very long walk before writing this post, because I wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing it in anger. But 8.5 miles and 18,753 steps later it ...
Episode 18 of the Common Weal Policy Podcast You can download this episode directly here. This week, Head of Policy & Research Dr Craig Dalzell talks to Dr ...
Dundee City Council has been criticised by one of Scotland’s biggest trade unions and the Scottish Conservatives for using £5,500 of its Common Good Fund to pay for a portrait ...
We Are One Festival 9-11 August is free entry The We Are One Festival will host a series of debates and workshops, including the launch of the ‘Homes not Hospitals’ campaign, a ...
So just when you thought that Mark Dad’s Army Francois had won the trophy for British political clown of the decade, along comes Ann Widdecombe saying “Haud ma coat”. During ...
CommonSpace engages in an unscientific survey of No voting East Renfrewshire SCOTLAND is entangled in a UK-wide political crisis, the complexity and chaotic nature of which is unprecedented since at ...
At the risk of tempting fate by complimenting a journalist too much, STV's Colin Mackay has often been noted for making an effort to be more even-handed that some of ...
Boris Johnson’s first trip to Northern Ireland as prime minister ended with a stand-off over a referendum on Irish unification – what would it take for such a vote to ...
A report by scientists proposing that Scotland should consider building an array of small nuclear power reactors to help combat climate warming has been dismissed as “disingenuous”. Three experts under ...
Questions over future of lamb. Photograph Russell Bruce for Newsnet By Russell Bruce Farmers want to know how they can survive when crashing out of the EU means sales of ...