UK austerity policy is shortening the lives of Scots, public health experts are warning – and unless urgent action is taken to close the gap between the rich and the ...
Scottish tourism is the focus of a viral meme which has been shared thousands of times across the world in recent months. The claim, which has been shared on Twitter, ...
Is there a more apt way for Boris to show ‘the ties that bind the UK’ than US-controlled weapons of mass destruction with a renewal cost of £205 billion? BORIS JOHNSON’S trip to ...
Bank of Scotland note of 1723 Part 1 By Russell Bruce With the state of the Union in a unholy mess and England and Scotland at odds over the future ...
“Lively” second independence referendum debate between the two leaders Johnson left by back door after being greeted with a chorus of boos when he arrived to meet Nicola Sturgeon at ...
Collective wellbeing more important than GDP, First Minister argues Sturgeon TED talk speech: “The goal...of economic policy should be collective wellbeing, how happy and healthy a population is, not just how wealthy ...
The new Liberal Democrat leader, Jo Swinson, has come under fire from political opponents for accepting donations from the director of a fund which invests in a Russian state gas ...
Glasgow-based Common Weal campaigner Val Waldron looks at the twists and turns of Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership of the independence movement since the Leave vote in 2016, finding that while there ...
As we all know by now, the active Yes movement is split into two camps. On one side are the whiners (mainly but not solely from the fringe far left), ...
This seemed like an extraordinary piece of subservient snivelling: But then it all made sense: Scottish Labour, everyone. Tags: cringeCategory comment, scottish politics Trackback: trackback from your own site.