Writing about British politics these days has basically become an exercise in finding different ways to say how screwed we are. Well now we have a new baseline measurement. British ...
Episode 10 of the Common Weal Policy Podcast You can download this episode directly here. Common Weal's Head of Policy & Research Dr Craig Dalzell is joined by ...
Imagine our surprise, etc. Well, they do say a day is a long time in politics, etc. But just like David Cameron did on the day after the indyref, it’s ...
The multinational salmon farming industry has been pushing behind the scenes for environmental limits on a toxic pesticide to be 100 times weaker than government regulators recommend. The Ferret can ...
Brian says: 1 June, 2019 at 8:19 am: … why can’t anyone on here see that sturgeon is playing us all for fools. Well she is certainly playing you for ...
Serco, a multi-national which provides housing for asylum seekers, has announced that it will restart evictions for those who have been refused by changing their locks – a move that ...
Tory logic and morality teaches us that you can’t admit to a history of drug use and be a teacher, but you can be Education Minister and aspire to become ...
Yet another wannabe Tory leader has joined the Tory leadership contest. This time it’s someone you’ve never heard of, which could be considered a positive attribute given that the only ...
A prominent climate change sceptic’s company has donated £25,000 each to both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt’s Conservative leadership campaigns. Johnson and Hunt are widely seen as favourites to emerge ...
Every prisoner in Scotland should be given the right to vote in elections, according to an independent penal reform organisation. Howard League Scotland believes that extending the vote to all ...