…for the EU election results, a reminder of days gone by. Inexplicably, the Scottish Tory manifesto for the 2014 Euro election forgot to include the paragraph saying “Of course, if ...
So here's a paradox within a paradox within a paradox. On Scottish local elections night two years ago, the SNP failed to win an overall majority in any council, and ...
Project seeks to combine ecological political and economic analysis with movement building Enough! project will seek to launch a ‘degrowth commission’ to challenge growth-led economic models in Scotland Outfit will ...
There’s been a Broontervention. This one was distinguished by one thing only, no one was trying to pretend that this was the first. Not even Reporting Scotland. This time the ...
A commenter on a previous thread has alerted me to a piece of polling analysis on Newsnet that is based on an entirely false premise. The article claims that Best ...
Poor old Gary Smith and the rest of the super-unionist GMB. We wonder how many times the UK government has to kick them up the arse before they stop bending over. ...
I don't mind Right-Wing thugs chucking their drinks on me.I don't mind them poking me in the face with a flagpole.I do mind that Nigel Farage is set to WIN ...
Andrew Smith (@Andrew_Graeme), campaigner and blogger, urges the SNP’s big win at the European Parliament elections to be treated with caution by Yes activists, understandably eager for a second independence referendum TO ...
Homeless services in Glasgow are to be cut by £2.6 million, with the loss of almost 100 emergency and supported housing beds across the city. Glasgow City Health and Social ...
Campaigners call for end of Scottish Government support for Oil & Gas UK plans for fresh rounds of oil extraction New report posits necessary choice between “deferred collapse” or a ...