Serco has been fined millions of pounds by the Home Office for failing to meet the terms of its contract to provide accommodation for asylum seekers in Scotland and Northern ...
Here we go again. More rank double standards from the Scottish media. I don’t listen to BBC Scotland at the best of times, and certainly not in the mornings, and ...
It's a week of political limbo as we wait for Theresa May's "big" announcement on her reshaped EU Withdrawal Bill and the EU elections on Thursday. The latest polls for ...
The Uncle Tam is the Scot who tries to ingratiate himself with the English upper and middle classes by pandering to all the worst racist stereotypes which are current about ...
You're probably aware by now that the ostensibly pro-indy journalist Neil Mackay has been at it again. Not content with his proposal a few days ago that would essentially make ...
Who are the idiots writing this stuff? You are embarrassing yourselves. Just stop! Ohio abortion, ectopic pregnancy bill: This Ohio anti-abortion bill says that ectopic pregnancies can be moved to ...
WG Saraband says Yes. WG Saraband is an EU National from Portugal who has made Edinburgh his home since 2015 with his partner, a dentist. He is a history graduate, ...
On Saturday, for the second year in a row, there was a huge and joyous independence march through the centre of Glasgow, which passed off with no incidents, arrests or ...
Scotland’s biggest anti-litter charity is under fire from campaigners over links to an industry lobbyist who described European Union moves to reduce the use of plastic bags as a “witch-hunt”. ...
Yesterday, Chris Failing Grayling managed to cost taxpayers another £50 million due to his incompetence and hauf-airsed handling of ferry contracts for the event of a no-deal Brexit, taking the ...