By Russell Bruce Theresa May once lectured her party conference telling them they were the Nasty Party and would need to change if they were ever to get back into ...
Some quick thoughts on the EU elections, then. Despite in some ways being the most tumultuous election result in UK history (in terms of the near-destruction of the two main ...
Sean Bell speaks to Mark Ruskell from the Scottish Greens and Craig Dalzell from the Common Weal about what needs to happen for a Green New Deal for Scotland to ...
Ruth Davidson: “You don’t fund schools and hospitals, and you don’t control immigration, by crashing the economy, and that’s what leaving the EU would do.”Also Ruth Davidson: “The best way ...
* Last time around, the SNP were slightly closer than the Greens to preventing UKIP from winning a Scottish seat. An extra 32,100 votes for the SNP would have stopped ...
Film critic Calum Cooper examines some of the past week’s releases, including the latest instalment of the John Wick franchise, the live-action version of Aladdin, and the sequel to The ...
Alert readers may recall our ongoing enquiry with the Scottish Conservatives and the Information Commissioner’s Office about what may or may not constitute a lawful and legitimate “petition”, if one ...
CommonSpace is interviewing political commentators from different perspectives on the EU ahead of European elections on 23 May. In the third interview, CommonSpace spoke to Mathew Rose, investigative journalist based ...
At her home in Athens, Anna Stamou pours sweet tea as she talks about some of the horrific attacks on immigrants carried out by Greek neo-Nazis. She cites the story ...
So, as I quite often do in the immediate aftermath of an election, here are a few random thoughts in no particular order...* Yesterday I posted a list of benchmarks ...