There was a fascinating development in gender politics this week. We discovered that it’s still mansplaining when a man contradicts a woman even when the woman in question happens to ...
In this week’s Dugcast, Callum Baird of The National and I discuss the ongoing binfire which is Brexit, the shameful Home Office and the difficulties it creates for those of ...
A new report by an influential Westminster committee is scathing about the Home Office’s treatment of detainees at immigration centres, with the UK government accused of “serious failings” in almost ...
So there are basically five possible outcomes to the current crisis -1) May's deal passes 2) No Deal 3) Softer Brexit 4) People's Vote 5) Revocation of Article 50 without ...
A few weeks ago, I defended Jason McCann on this blog, and I entirely stand by that, because there was no doubt at all that his views had been misrepresented ...
From today’s Telegraph: Who’s this “we”, exactly? Ah, right. Of course, we all remember our joy when Britain won the Ashes in 2005, and the contrasting despair when Britain was ...
It seems political commentators in London are just noticing that Theresa May is ‘not the full shilling’. It has been pretty obvious from day one – indeed before that. Just ...
A Westminster bill to scrap a time limit on donations to political parties from UK citizens living abroad could unleash a new wave of ‘dark money’ into politics, campaigners have ...
As over 1 million people took to the streets of central London demanding that Brexit is cancelled, the petition calling on the Westminster Parliament to revoke Article 50 has now ...