The Foreign Secretary in September 2018: And after an apparent change of heart in March 2019: What an absolute Hunt, eh readers? Tags: and finally, hypocrisyCategory europe, idiots, scottish politics, uk politics ...
I know it's almost a waste of breath to complain when newspapers run misleading headlines about opinion polls, but it has to be said that the Herald's choice of "Poll ...
IPSO denies accusation that it implictly condones religious and race-based hate Open letter claims racist and faith-based discrimination in parts of the press has become a “dangerous normality”, but IPSO ...
On Brexit, it seems like no one has been able to affect the course of Brexit. The force behind the British exit from the European Union is apparently impervious to ...
As is so often in our podcasts Lesley has just returned from one of the Nordics. This time it's Iceland where she was attending a three-day (well it was three ...
It’s being reported by the BBC that within the next few weeks Theresa May expects the Scottish Government to ask for a Section 30 order in order to hold another ...
Watching the Six Nations rugby tournament every year is usually quite a dispiriting experience – not just because of Scotland’s invariably underwhelming performances (broken up by the occasional false dawn), ...
Charities are demanding urgent action to prevent a “tragic” loss of lives, as updated figures reveal at least 139 people have died while homeless in Scotland over the last 18 ...
Common Weal think-tank pose seven questions about new plan SNP leadership to propose at spring conference that it should “now be party policy that an SNP government in an independent Scotland ...
The Labour party’s Scottish branch office has its conference this weekend in Dundee. You can be forgiven for not having noticed, what with so many other vitally important events that ...