Memo to Andrew Wilson: Brexit is happening right now. Did no-one tell you?
In a way it's rather helpful that Andrew Wilson has started to denigrate and mock some of his comrades in the Yes movement, because it shows up his pious calls ...
In a way it's rather helpful that Andrew Wilson has started to denigrate and mock some of his comrades in the Yes movement, because it shows up his pious calls ...
A Scottish Jewish group has called for peaceful “civil disobedience” to prevent pro-Israel organisations from joining a major anti-racism protest in Glasgow next month. Scottish Jews Against Zionism (SJAZ) is opposed ...
@Socrates MacSporran Time was the Tories in govt could warn people that voting for Labour would be irresponsible and people listened. They have squandered that in spades. Only in the ...
An influential Westminster committee has ruled that UK government’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia are “narrowly on the wrong side” of international humanitarian law and that ministers should suspend some ...
A little snippet today’s Times caught our eye earlier. As alert readers may recall from our numerous investigations into the enduring enigma that is Scottish Labour’s membership figures, at the ...
Public opinion across the UK has shifted decisively against Brexit over the last 18 months, according to an analysis of over 200 opinion polls. Since the start of 2018 111 ...
We saw a tweet from some Tory MP or MSP this morning urging voters to sign some fake “petition” or other bashing the SNP, and it rang a bell in ...
I know the interminable argument about the Holyrood voting system is not exactly the most pressing subject at the moment, but I would just like to congratulate the "tactical voting ...
A guest post by Aled Gwyn Jôb In just under a month’s time, thousands of Welsh rugby fans will be making the journey up north to Edinburgh to follow the ...
Treeza may wait a wee bit longer, hoping for more to follow, then bingo, call a GE she could easily get a majority and dump the DUP. labour will run ...