The use of cleaner fish on Scottish salmon farms as a treatment for sea lice should be suspended due to serious welfare issues, according to a new report by animal ...
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OK, I admit it, I've obviously been living down a hole today, because I've only just noticed this rather significant new poll, which apparently was published early this morning.Should Scotland ...
The pension fund for Scotland’s MSPs has invested over £100,000 in a Taiwanese company blamed for mass suicides at its factories making iPhones, we can reveal. The multi-million pound fund, ...
James Cook, Managing Director D R Collin By Russell Bruce On Thursday ITV Border came to Eyemouth. Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy was there to speak to ...
I was up to my neck yesterday, so apologies for being a bit late with this excellent news from the Highlands. In a break from the pattern of the recent ...
It’s been one of those days when you start writing an article, and by the time you get to the end of the sentence there’s been some other significant development ...
If there’s one thing you can say for the Tories, it’s that right or wrong, they always stick to their principles. Oh, not YOU, Scotland. Category history, scottish politics, uk politics ...
As the UK lurches towards a Common vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal, and it becomes ever more obvious that no route out of the Brexmess enjoys the support of ...