The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has recorded more than 500 safety mishaps with nuclear submarines on the Clyde since 2006 – half of them in the last four years. UK ...
No Yule Decorations at the Albert Halls, just a very warm welcome to all Yessers wanting to help get our movement ready for IndyRef2 and Independence! Please come, meet hundreds ...
One of the amusing subplots of the recent Brexit chaos has been the way the Daily Mail, which previously regarded any form of compromise with the EU as treason, had ...
We’re so far beyond mere “scraping the barrel” now. Unhappy with polls based on asking the simple and clear question “Should Scotland be an independent country?”, and which have been ...
This is the state we’re still in. Back in 2014, another age, another era, when the UK could still pretend that it was open and welcoming and respectful of the ...
I had originally planned to write this blog article yesterday, but events got in the way in the shape of the news that the Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell had ...
Pop quiz David Mundell is; A. An absolute behemoth of powerful political discourse, who has demonstrated fortitude and tact, whilst supporting the people of Scotland in these troubling times. A ...
Scottish courts must dramatically reduce the number of people being sent to prison in order to save lives, according to judicial experts who claim the system has “lost its way”. ...
More vacuous rubbish from UK Gov toward Scotland. UK Gov has ignored Scotland at every juncture but now want us to accept the tripe they offer. Even though their own ...
This isn't strictly a Scot Goes Pop exclusive, because the figures were attached to the Scottish Independence Foundation press release that went out several hours ago. But as far as ...