If we were to write an article every time Murdo Fraser said something moronic, we’d have to rename this site Wings Over Murdo Fraser, and drink an awful lot of ...
So this was in the Times football section today: And you find yourself thinking, “Well gee, why might THAT be?” Everyone’s entitled to take their own position on constitutional politics. ...
There’s one thing that this blog has been saying consistently ever since I started writing it in 2013, and that’s that Spain would not veto an independent Scotland’s membership of ...
Because we know the poor lad’s not very bright. Yes, Murdo. Yes it has. Still, it’s only good for 40 years or so. What will we do THEN, eh? Category ...
You may have seen a YouTube video doing the rounds of Nicola Sturgeon being unusually candid on Saturday about her strategy for seeking a mandate for independence if the UK ...
As I mentioned in previous posts, last week's Panelbase voting intention poll (which was both a GB-wide poll and a full-scale Scottish poll) was funded by the Scottish Independence Foundation. ...
This is the best one of these we’ve ever seen. Nobody tell him, now. Imagine the moment when he spots it for himself. Tags: and firstlyCategory comment, europe, idiots, scottish ...
A ban on the mechanical harvesting of kelp around Scotland’s coast is to be backed by the Scottish Government, putting a company’s controversial plans at risk. Environment Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham MSP, ...
This is the editorial in today’s Scottish edition of The Times: It seems to be an increasingly popular viewpoint in the country’s media. This was Daily Record political editor Torcuil ...
More than 350 cracks have been discovered in an ageing nuclear power reactor at Hunterston in North Ayrshire, breaching an agreed safety limit and prompting calls for a permanent shutdown. ...