@Col says: 19 September, 2018 at 8:07 pm: ” … Do you think that labour would somehow all of a sudden put any thought into how they spend other people’s ...
New polling out tonight from British Polling Council members Deltapoll. Excluding don’t-knows, both of those sets of figures come out at 52-48 margins: for Yes if Brexit goes ahead, for ...
The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, angrily rejected a proposal from her Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd, for £1 million to help the African National Congress (ANC) three months after Nelson Mandela ...
It’s been a tough few days for the Daily Record. So maybe we should forgive this: Let’s just enjoy those pie charts for a moment. Magnificent work. The Pie Of ...
I don’t like to blow my own trumpet, but you know, . Last week in my article for The National I said that no amount of SNPbaddery from the Scottish ...
Chris McEleny is an SNP councillor. This is a personal opinion.Three weeks into the Salmond saga and the MSM are getting increasingly desperate. Nowhere is this more obvious than in ...
Theresa May’s government continues to reach new standards. There you were, thinking that David Mundell had smashed all world records for clueless secretaries of state for devolved nations, and was ...
The television advert for The National’s new seven day a week publication has just been released, and for the very first time ever, there’s something that stars the human part ...
Tony Perridge, CommonSpace reader from Inverness, offers his vision for a post-austerity, currency-sovereign independent Scotland to our special week of coverage on Breaking the Bankruptocracy. Email ben@common.scot if you would ...
Scots council pension funds have shares worth £110 million in US arms giants linked to an alleged war crime in Yemen when 40 children were killed. Campaigners now believe the ...