If you think democracy is broken, here's an idea: let's replace politicians with randomly selected people. Author and activist Brett Hennig presents a compelling case for sortition democracy, or random ...
The recent reports about the conviction of a right wing extremist in Edinburgh for making a bomb made for, ahem, interesting reading. Nazi thug Peter Morgan was sentenced to 12 ...
In the continuing absence of any interesting current Scottish politics, we thought you might enjoy this Sunday Mail piece from exactly 11 years ago yesterday, confidently asserting that a quick chat ...
Scotland On Sunday has a very odd front-page splash today. In a truly remarkable feat of sheer journalistic incompetence, the paper’s Tom Peterkin manages to cover three pages discussing the ...
Newsnet Scotland Remain data analysis By Russell Bruce Newsnet has obtained the dataset behind Sunday’s story in the Observer on the shift in support in 112 UK constituencies from Leave ...
There’s been some speculation in the press recently that the SNP is heading for a rupture in its hitherto impressive party unity over the subject of the timing of the ...
All the way through the campaign we were assured that leaving the EU didn’t necessarily mean leaving the customs union or the single market. The Brexit vote was won for ...
The number of mountain hares in the eastern Highlands has dropped by more than 99 per cent since 1954, according to a new study – prompting calls for urgent action ...
Supermarkets are selling farmed salmon from companies accused of poor animal welfare, we can reveal, prompting claims that consumers are being misled into thinking they are buying responsibly sourced fish. ...