By Dorothy Bruce The EU and Japan have signed a wide-ranging free trade deal. The deal is the largest free trade deal both countries have ever negotiated and will create ...
It’s that time of year again. It’s been a year since I last did a fundraiser. This year is going to be a particularly expensive one for me personally. There’s ...
A private prison firm paying asylum seekers held at Dungavel detention centre £1 an hour prompting claims of “slavery” made nearly £1m in profit last year, The Ferret can reveal. ...
By Dorothy Bruce Theresa may is fond of pontificating about British values – a belief in democracy, upholding the rule of law, a deeply embedded sense of fair play, integrity, ...
You have to feel really sorry for people in London. There they were, depressed and hungover, out of the World Cup, home to what’s quite possibly the world’s most dysfunctional ...
Tommy Sheppard MP By Russell Bruce The SNP Claim of Right debate brought SNP MPs out in force at Westminster. But then they are there in force every day Westminster ...
How the Strategic Communication Labs/Cambridge Analytica scandal leads to the heart of the British establishment with Liam O'Hare. Yes this is a scandal about Facebook and data. But it’s also ...
EU has trade deals with countries around the globe By Molly Pollock A NEWSNET SPECIAL REPORT Molly takes a look at her store cupboard, fridge and freezer to find out ...